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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising

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Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising


The young patriot is looking to save his people against any foe.Know more

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Character abilities

  • Offense: 6

  • Defense: 4

  • Range: 4

  • Mobility: 8

  • Difficulty: 6




Lancelot has always had a love for his homeland, Feendrache. This love motivates him to do everything to defend his land. When his nation was in turmoil, Lancelot was there to pick up his sword(s) and fight. Since then, he has been the leader of the Order of the White Dragons

With them, he defends Feendrache from the skies and travels around leading his crew and searching for the true meaning of leadership.


Lancelot is a serious character with impeccable fighting skills. He loves his swords and fights with two of them. Strong, bold, noble, and fierce, Lancelot is a model leader for his men. However, underneath his focused and organized leadership, hides a slob who cannot seem to make his personal life, or space anything as organized as his professional life.


Lancelot is a rushdown character in every respect of the word. He has incredible speed that enables him to close any space down quickly and his wall jump, teleports, and movement are all great tools on offense and defense. He also has a projectile which is a great pressuring tool. On the flip side, he doesn’t deal as much damage as some others in the cast, but he’s fun and that’s enough to cover up some of his warts. 


Lancelot has wavy black hair and blue eyes. He wears blue armor all over his body with a white waist cloth. He wields two swords.

Key Information

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 179cm

Race: Human

Hobbies: Weapons collection, Military tactics

Likes: Training

Dislikes: Chores, especially cleaning his room

Debut Fighting Game: Granblue Fantasy Versus

Availability: Base Game

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