himwy / ero
Vortex / sire
The himwy / ero vs. Vortex / sire battle in Brawlhalla took place on Feb 11, 2023 as a part of the Southeast Asia - Winter Championship 2023 - Brawlhalla Championship 2v2 tournament. This confrontation belongs to the Top 8.
The results of the confrontation are as follows:
Feb 11, 2023: himwy/ero 2 - 3 Vortex/sire
Statistics of previous matches himwy / ero vs. Vortex / sire:
Sep 30, 2023: himwy/ero 3 - 0 Vortex/sire
Feb 11, 2023: himwy/ero 3 - 1 Vortex/sire
Feb 11, 2023: Vortex/sire 0 - 3 himwy/ero
The himwy / ero vs. Vortex / sire — Feb 11, 2023 battle recording stream you can watch in the VODs section