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Yoshi Kirishima

  • Adriel Leung

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Adriel Leung, otherwise known as "Yoshi Kirishima" or "DARKLOLI," is a Super Smash Bros player, Pianist, and Illustrator. He is the co-founder of High School Starleague.

Yoshi Kirishima mains Zelda but has played a variety of characters including Palutena, Ridley, Lucina, and Kirby. He has teamed up with players such as PROTO, Kenta, Komata, and Goof for SSB doubles.

Yoshi Kirishima has competed in SSBU events at several tourneys including Frostbite 2020, Frosty Faustings XII 2020, Holiday Heist 5, MISU Online Tournament 2, and The Big House 9.

Keep up with DashFight to learn of his future exploits!

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