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Justin "Rews" A. is a Super Smash Bros. player from the United States who mains Wolf and Palutena in Ultimate. He has competed in several tournaments including:
  • 2021: Beyond the Spectrum: An Autism Acceptance Charity Event, Frame Perfect Series 6: ONLINE, Galaxy Gambit x Collision #19 (7th), King 2021 (9th), Kookus and the Milkshake Machine 62, Playing for Pride 2021, The Comeback - Feat. Tweek.
  • 2020: GOML North American Open: Northeast USA, HyperNOVA 2 (3rd), Knights Smash Cup 2, Lagspike 12, Varsity Votes.
  • 2019: Glitch 6, Pound 2019, Super Smash Con 2019.

Follow Rews on Twitter.