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  • Shawn Ware
  • USA

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Shawn ''MopN'' Ware is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Roy player from Alabama. He is currently ranked 4th on the Alabama Power Rankings and has defeated players such as Kip!, Merf, C2, Dr. Copter, Ataraxia, Wizzrobe, and Key.

MopN competed and finish 1st in Versus Huntsville: February 2019, 2nd in Sweet Revenge #4 and Kami-Con Season Twelve: StarShipWrecked, 3rd in Versus Huntsville August 2019, 5th in The Comeback Story Vol. V, 7th in Versus Huntsville September 2019 and Blastoff, 9th in Gwinnett Brawl: September 2019 and The Bell Tolls. Also MopN took part in such tournaments as Smash Conference UnitedPound 2019MomoCon 2019Off The RailsLittle Big House 5The Big House 9DreamHack Atlanta 2019InfinityCON Tally 2021EcolutionRiptide and Low Tide City 2021.

You can follow Shawn ''MopN'' Ware on Twitter and Twitch.