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IFC jkidd808

  • Andrew D.
  • USA

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Andrew "IFC jkidd808" D. is a competitive fighting games player from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Their key disciplines are Street Fighter V and Tekken 7, where they main Necalli and Fahkumram respectively. Andrew also plays Mortal Kombat 11, Ultra Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, SOULCALIBUR VI and other games. 

IFC jkidd808's career began in 2016 at Battle on the Strip (SFV). Since then, they have participated in such events as Evo 2017 (SFV), Evo 2018 (SFV), GoTE FGC Weekly #227 (Tuesday) (MK11), TNS FGC Tuesday Night Special (T7) and Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 North America East 1. Andrew is a winner of Killer Cuts @The Barbers Club 23 (Killer Cuts).