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  • Tim Commandeur
  • Canada

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Tim "HoneyBee" Commandeur is a Canadian fighting games player from Scarborough, Ontario currently representing Beastcoast and competes in titles such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Injustice 2, and Mortal Kombat 11.

Debuting competitive play at the EVO 2015 tournament, HoneyBee ranked 3rd place out of 1162 entrants in the Mortal Kombat X event and has since participated in other tournaments like Kumite in Tennessee 2016, COMBO BREAKER 2018, SoCal Regionals 2018, EVO 2018, Sumit of Time 2019, EVO 2019, Celtic Throwdown 2019, viennality 2019, East Coast Throwdown 2019 and DreamHack Montreal 2019.

HoneyBee is the brother of Canadian fighting games player Biohazard, and also participated in the Kumite in Tennessee 2020 tournament ranking 9th place out of 110 entrants in the Mortal Kombat 11 singles event with a set win rate of 66.67%, and has earned total prize money of $33,648.80 from twenty-four tournaments. 

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