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  • Gerard Willingham
  • USA

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Gerard "Gerard" Willingham also known as Laspanditas, is an American fighting games player from Atlanta, Georgia, known to compete in titles like Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Dragon Ball FighterZ, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, and Granblue Fantasy Versus.

Gerard has also participated in tournaments like Gwinnett Brawl, CEO 2018-2019, AnimEVO 2018, EVO 2018-2019, CEOtaku 2018, Gamefest 2018, Climax of Night, DreamHack Atlanta 2018, Kumite in Tennessee 2019, Winter Brawl 3D Edition, Frosty Faustings XI, MomoCon 2019, Final Round 2019, Texas Showdown 2019, and various smaller tournaments.

You can find Gerard on Twitter.

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