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Chocolate sushi

  • Jerry Noon-Pearman
  • USA

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Jerry Noon-Pearman known as "Chocolate Sushi" is a Wario main Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from America.

Chocolate Sushi is a regular participant in Mega Smash Mondays and Hollywood Action Tuesdays. He also competed in ssbu singles at Time to Thaw, 2GG: Nightmare on Smashville, EVO 2019, and Tempest 3.

He has also been disqualified from several tournaments including DreamHack Anaheim 2020, Battle for Nakanda, and 2GG: SwitchFest 2019. His set count is 60% and his game count is 59%.

Check out Chocolate Sushi's Twitch channel where he streams Ori and the Will of the Wisps. The 2GG YouTube channel for VODs.

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