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  • Chetan Kamath
  • USA

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Chetan Kamath, also known as "Catan," is an American Super Smash Bros player and Medical student who mains Pichu in Smash Ultimate.

Catan is a familiar face at events such as Smash @ JHU, The Grind Fridays, and Ultimate @ Xanadu. He has competed in ssbu singles at various tournaments including Collision Online, The Box, The Ultimate Fall Arcadian @ Xanadu, and Ultimate Naifu Wars 1.

At Glitch 8 - Missingno, Catan ranked 33rd in the Amatuer Bracket. He also ranked 193rd in regular singles with a 60% set win rate after losing matches against Rocky~ in the Winners Quarter-Final and player 4 in Losers Semi-Final of Pool D1.

Check out his Twitter here.

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