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  • Yilmaz Onat
  • USA

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Yilmaz Onat, known as BlueAuroraHippo, is a fighting game player from Arizona, US. He's displaying in multiple disciplines, such as Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat 11, Injustice 2, and Dragon Ball FighterZ. BlueAuroraHippo has already made some notable appearances despite his young age. At EVO 2018 he performed in Tekken 7, Injustice 2, and DBFZ tournaments. At EVO 2019 he also took part in Super Smash Bros Ultimate and MK11 tournaments. He also took part in various local and online fighting game tourneys, such as Kombat Island, Freedom Fighters, The Royal War, Mortal Kombat 11 Throwdown, and others. 

Follow BlueAuroraHippo on Twitch to watch him play. 

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