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  • Ricky Walker
  • USA

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Ricky "A$AP R1CKY" Walker, is a fighting games competitor from JacksonvilleFloridaUSA. Their key disciplines are Dragon Ball FighterZ and Mortal Kombat 11, where they main Broly and Jacqui Briggs, respectively. Walker is also known to play Guilty Gear: StriveUltimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite

According to FGCRANKINGS.com, A$AP R1CKY is ranked 66th best DBFZ player worldwide.

A$AP R1CKY made their competitive debut at CEO 2017 (UMvC 3), where they took 25th place. They have since been playing a variety of disciplines, with a preference for DBFZ, at such notable events as: 

• 2018: Revival XII (the 1st in DBFZ), FINAL ROUND 2018 (17th in DBFZ), where they have a chance to play against Go1, Revival XIV (the 3rd in DBFZ), Revival XV - Prelude to CEO (the 1st in DBFZ), CEO 2018 Fighting Game Championships, BLITZ Presented by GG Labs (the 2nd in DBFZ), TNS November 9th (the 1st in DBFZ).

• 2019: SMASH CONFERENCE UNITED (the 1st place), FINAL ROUND 2019 (17th in DBFZ), GatorLAN Spring 2019 (the 2nd in DBFZ), Come To Papa (the 1st in DBFZ), CEO 2019 Fighting Game Championships (49th place), Fight For 95 (the 3rd in DBFZ), and others.