YouTube Replay Channels Now Using AI To Portray Street Fighter Pros

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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YouTube Replay Channels Now Using AI To Portray Street Fighter Pros
The result is hilarious and worrying

Replay channels have always been something of a sour note within the FGC and an area of content that most fighting game pros don't care for much.

These channels however, have gone a step further and are now portraying fighting game players with AI as some sort of intro before the fight they want to highlight. 

Norwegian player, Phenom, mentioned this where he showed a short clip of the beginning of a match between Broski and Kusanagi. The video was clearly done by AI and had a very unnatural quality to it. On top of that, none of the characters sounded anything like the players. 

Replay channels typically rip replays from the game of top players and post it on YouTube without consent or any sort of commentary or extra work. 

They have become somewhat popular, especially in recent times and rack up a fair number of views. 

The example above was not the only as there was even one of MenaRD and Punk and several others which many responded to with derision, but which speaks to some of the ways we may see AI implemented in the field of content creation moving forward. 

The main culprit seems to be a channel called 'You Win' and there are multiple videos with multiple pros using AI to create content. 

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