The veteran designer is a beloved figure among fans of Fighting games, and the upcoming Fatal Fury is, once agian, a chance to show why that is.
Yasuyuki Oda, a veteran designer for SNK, recently did an interview with VGC's Andy Robinson. A deep look at his career and the struggles to get a new entry of Fatal Fury into the hands of fans. From the details shared, Yasuyuki had been trying to get the project underway since his return to SNK in 2014.
The new Fatal Fury / Garou, Yasuyuki Oda says, will not be Fatal Fury 2, or Garou 2. But something more akin to the original game, with many of the original developers involved in the project. The aesthetics of the game will in 3D, but will retain the art style of the original.
Yasuyuki Oda also mentioned, in relation to MultiVersus and other free-to-play titles, that he sees potential in that model, although he has reservations about it since it requires a much longer roadmap to be able to produce consistent content for players and, if those projects become unsuccessful, they could be lost forever. Thus preferring the more traditional model of pay-once game experiences.