Wi-Fi Filter, Match Decline, and Crossplay Coming to MK1

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Wi-Fi Filter, Match Decline, and Crossplay Coming to MK1
The days of being locked into terrible matches are almost over!

One of the many issues with Mortal Kombat 1 has been its netplay. The netcode is fine, and the server infrastructure works surprisingly well, but there's not a soul on this blue planet that wants to play out a Kombat League set against a laggy Wi-Fi opponent.

In something like Tekken 7 or Street Fighter 6, you not only choose who you play against, but you can also just leave after one match if the connection is poor. Hell, in SF6 the two players can even mutually agree to officially end the game if connection is outright unacceptable, the game gives you that option.

Not the case in MK1, at least not yet. You got a match, so you have to accept it, and you have to play it out, but that will soon change. On Twitter (Currently X), Ed Boon announced that filter and decline will be coming soon, all alongside Kross-play that many have been waiting for.

Unfortunately, it's still not clear if this Kross-play will include PC, however, and with the state of the port, it's not looking too likely.

So, if you ever feel like making some change in the world, make sure to hold up a sign at a wrestling game, it seems to work really well.

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