What DF Happened October 2023: Tekken 8 Delay, Omni-man, and More!

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What DF Happened October 2023: Tekken 8 Delay, Omni-man, and More!
Check out all the important news that happened last week!

Our "What DF Happened" recaps are back! This time in a slightly different format. Instead of scraping up everything that would happen within a week, we want to bring you only the most relevant news for the month, so expect to see these recaps every last Friday of the month.

This month, we have quite a few things to talk about. From industry changing events, like Microsoft acquiring Activision or Unity fiasco, to important game updates, like NRS revealing Omni-Man or Hidden Variable finally making Marie playable, albeit in her Alpha test state.

So come along, enjoy, and tell us your feedback so we can continue to improve!

This material was created with the support of our Patrons. You can support us!

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