Weekly Mod Highlights Volume 7

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Weekly Mod Highlights Volume 7
To check out and download the mods, click the titles highlighted in red

Dragon Ball FighterZ

Mickey Mouse

The mouse is back, and he's buff as hell this time. UltIMa647 has released a mod that replaces Broly with Mickey Mouse. Starting small initially, it only takes using a level 3 super to turn Mickey into a hulking beast, a manmade horror beyond our comprehension.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Domino (Modern) Costume over Jill

From moocartoons comes a cool mod for UMvC3 that changes Jill's color 2 to Marvel's Domino, an X-Men mutant with a power to affect the probability of various events. Just like Jill, Domino's is exceptionally skilled with guns and hand-to-hand combat.

The model itself fits into the game exceptionally well with a nice amount of detail and a comic book aesthetic.

King of Fighters XV

Ultimate Terry Bogard

Calypso Dynamo keeps putting out one stellar mod after the other. We previously covered his Ultimate Kyo, Robert, and Kyo mods, and now it's time for the SNK's poster boy, Terry Bogard. With such a long history, Terry tried on more than a few outfits throughout the years, and Calypso didn't pass up the opportunity to include some deep cuts.

This compilation includes classic Terry, KoF14, Basketball and Baseball Terry from Shinkiro's arts, KoF11 win pose Terry, Garou, Final Fury Ultimate Pachinko, and is set to feature his outfit from KoF97.

Guilty Gear -Strive-

JtheDuelist Collection: Marth, Monster Hunter Outfits, Lif

JtheDuelist is regularly featured in Strive mod highlights with their high-quality creations, and this week will not be an exception. This time they have released three entire mods that significantly shake up the look of familiar characters.

Starting with Fire Emblem mods, we have Marth and Lif. While the characters themselves are very different from each other, both act as Ky replacements. Marth is iconic Fire Emblem swordsman and comes with his classic outfit and even the radiant blade. The second mod is arguably more ambitious as JtheDuelist had to do some very clever asset manipulations to create an imperfect but still amazing recreation of Lif as the character has no existing 3D models to speak of.

After that, we have another duo, this time as a single mod, and it's Monster Hunter outfits for Baiken and Anji. The one-handed samurai dons the Zinogre armor while her bespectacled friend sports the Mizutsune set. With Baiken specifically there is an nice detail of replacing her weapons with the ones you'd craft from Zinogre materials.

Veil and Roses for Millia

Last mod for this week is a small but nice one. SDNW has posted a Millia mod that replaces her hat with a vail topped with roses. As SDNW accurately points out in their post, this gives Millia a bit of a noir look. 

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