Unider Night 2 Features In-depth Color Customization

2 min

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Unider Night 2 Features In-depth Color Customization
French Bread continues to beat "no drip" allegations with the greatest of ease.

French Bread games keep evolving, as shown by their constant posts showcasing the features of Under Night In-Birth II [Sys:Celes].

We've previously mentioned the new function of taking control during playback, which was met with a very enthusiastic approval, same as their new practice mode mini-game that will test your reactions and prepare you for those moments when you need a fast and clean input.

This newest feature is amazing as well, and while not new, I'm pretty sure we're all glad to see it return. Introduced in Melty Blood Project Lumina, customizable color palettes allowed us to have much greater degree of control over the character's appearance and increase an already massive pool of available palettes.

The feature returns with minimal changes, if any. It's obvious that French Bread don't want you to get too wild and undermine the aesthetic by producing something that looks one of those sprite sheets where characters are painted in acid green, red, purple, blue, and such.

You will select a sort of "core" palette at first, just like in Lumina, and then you have an option to adjust individual elements by picking one of the available color choices. What's nice is that this stuff can even change the color of your special effects, so the room for self-expression and finding something that's just right for you is definitely there.

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