Tokido: Fighting Games Used to Be Easier

1 min

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Tokido: Fighting Games Used to Be Easier
Tokido offers an interesting perspective on modern fighting games

In the midst of constant discussion about which game is harder or has more depth, Tokido drops a valuable reminder in Justin Wong's new interview, a part of his "Run the Mindset" series where he approaches pro players on a more personal level.

As part of their discussion in this episode, Tokido was talking about Street Fighter 2, and the broken tech that he learned for Claw, who is by far the most broken character in the game.

This wasn't some rare phenomenon for older fighting games. Many of them were sort of broken, and that contributed to them being "easy" from Tokido's perspective. Simply picking a top tier isn't enough anymore, even if you use the best characters, you will still have to engage with the design on a deeper level.

You can check out the full video below, it's quite a nice conversation that sheds a lot of light on Tokido's story, his preferences, and his wholesome rivalry with JWong.

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