The Big House Smash Major To Go On Indefinite Hiatus

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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The Big House Smash Major To Go On Indefinite Hiatus
Another Smash tournament bites the dust

The Big House, an annual Smash tournament held in Michigan for the Midwest has announced that it is going on an indefinite hiatus. 

In a long statement by the organizer, Robin Harn, he expressed his gratitude to everyone for all their support over the years and explained his decision. The entire statement, which is well worth a read, can be found here

Harn explained that a shifting landscape which has meant mounting costs, a job change in his personal life, conflicting schedules, and a general decline in community and sponsor engagement, have all snowballed to lead to this situation. 

He did leave the door open for a return, but on the basis of a lot of things coming together to work out. He also explained why he isn't looking at scaling down as that would go against his creative vision for the project. 

The Big House has held annually since 2011 and has grown ton become one of the most prestigious events for the Smash community. It averaged about 3000 participants, and was generally considered one of the best events for people of all skill levels. 

Unfortunately, there has been a bunch of events that have suffered the same fate with the Panda Smash circuit going down a couple of years ago and Beyond The Summit announcing that it would be shutting down this year. 

It is unclear what the future holds for games such as Smash competitively, or even esports in general, but the loss of events such as these is always a huge blow. 

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