The Amazing Project That Aims to Revive Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

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The Amazing Project That Aims to Revive Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
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Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite had a Herculean task, it had to follow up on Marvel vs. Capcom Ultimate a game that reached iconic status in the FGC after years of bustling tournaments and enough community lore to write a book about it.

To say that it came a bit short would be an understatement. People hated the game on release. The art style was one of the biggest sticking points. Infinite's abandoned the comic book aesthetic of its predecessors, and the outsourced character models looked pretty damn bad.

That's not to say that the game was unbearably hideous, or that the visuals made it unplayable, but it was too late to talk about nuance when the meth head Dante became the face of the game.

Gameplay was a bit more divisive, however. The old fans were disappointed by the new direction. It was no longer a 3v3 fighter with the series signature assists. Instead, it was a 2v2 game with a more advanced tag system that somewhat resembled Team Aerial Combo mechanics from the previous title.

As time went by, people mostly warmed up to the gameplay, lamenting that the game never got a fair shot due to the other issues compounding on top of each other, but it seems like Infinite will get another chance.

If you've been following us for long enough to be familiar with the Mod Highlight series, you should remember Ryn (@WistfulHopes). Outside of ambitious rollback projects, she made some of the highest quality mods for Guilty Gear Strive, on top of simply being an exceptional modder overall.

Her efforts were noticed by Maximilian Dood, and he commissioned her to help establish a new art style for MvCI.

The results so far are amazing, and at this point, the whole endeavor is much more than a two-person effort. The complete process will no doubt take quite a bit of time, but the progress is stunning. So I very much recommend following both Ryn and Max if you're curious to see more updates.

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