Tekken World Tour Is Coming Back!

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Tekken World Tour Is Coming Back!
One of the best tournament systems is back and comes with several important changes

Just before going into the Tekken 7 Top 8 at Combo Breaker 2022, the casters teased us with a new announcement and when Michael Murray came on stage, it was revealed that the peak of Tekken competition, the Tekken World Tour, is coming back!

Now that offline events are coming back, the tour will include both offline and online competition. Everything will be separated into a hierarchy of Master and Dojo events, with bigger events in each category rocking the Master Prime or Dojo Prime titles.

Naturally, events will also scale from small online tournaments to international offline events. Once the points are claimed and regional leaderboards are settled, the best players will go on to Global Finals!

The first event of the TWT will be CEO 2022 and will take place on June 24th.

Following the new scenes emerging, Bandai Namco has also expanded the number of regions participating in TWT to 16, now including Pakistan and North Africa.

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