Tekken Characters Join Brawlhalla

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Tekken Characters Join Brawlhalla
Pic Source: Brawlhalla
They are crossover skins, and we love the energy they bring to the fights

It is actually great to see this collaboration happening. Brawlhalla partners with Tekken while the fighting games community is anticipating the soon-coming release of Tekken 8. May having these characters in platformer fights bring more attention to both series?

The announcement was made during the Summer Royale. Devil Jin, Nina Williams, and Yoshimitsu will be available in Brawlhalla on September 6.

It is still unclear which Legends get these crossover skins. What do you think, guys?

The previous such collaboration was with Halo, bringing us Master Chief (Isaiah) and Abitur (Sidra).

But another comparison might be better. Some time ago, Brawlhalla partnered with Street Fighter, so now we have crossover skins for Ryu and Ken (Petra), Chun-Li (Wu Shang), Akuma (Val), Dhalsim (Rayman), Sakura (Lin Fei), M. Bison (Thor), and Luke (Cross). The addition of Street Fighter characters happened in two waves. May the same be the case with Tekken? Let’s wait and see!

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