The ongoing Tokyo Game Show has featured a lot of reveals regarding some of the biggest games including the games within the FGC. For instance, we got a look at how Street Fighter 6's newest character, A.K.I. will work and information regarding a new rank and training room upgrades.
For Tekken 8, we got a reveal for Panda, but perhaps the announcement that has captured the imagination of the FGC the most is that of the new feature, one which will let you watch replays and take control of the character for 10 seconds at any point.
The feature, which is called 'My Replay and Tips' was announced during the Tekken 8 talk held at TGS and has been met with universal acclaim. It can only be used with your replays, and it is an amazing training resource. This means you can watch your games and then if you see a section where you faltered, you can take control of your character and try to respond differently.