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Street Fighter Without World Warriors

1 min

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Street Fighter Without World Warriors
Just imagine, it's easy if you try

Pick any random fighting game series and there will be at least two characters that everyone associates with it. However, when you look at Street Fighter, 2 is not nearly enough.

Sure, Ryu and Ken are easily among the most popular, but the entire roster of World Warriors has become iconic. Blanka, Dhalsim, Chun-Li, Zangief, Honda, and Guile. That's 8 slots that are almost always occupied by the old guard, as Capcom continues to cement their iconic and irreplaceable status.

However, is that truly the best approach? Having eight slots locked in would be a lot even for series like KoF and Tekken, despite their enormous rosters, needless to say it's felt even more in a game like Street Fighter, especially when they have over 80 characters to pick from.

This choice has global repercussions on story and gameplay as well, so should the WW cast truly be a mandatory part of mainline SF games? We tried to find out in this video.

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