Street Fighter 6 Character Difficulty Tier List By Broski

Alex Samonov
1 min

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Street Fighter 6 Character Difficulty Tier List By Broski
Who do expect to be the hardest one?

Broski, a competitive Street Fighter player from the United Kingdom, shared a sort of a tier list with Street Fighter 6 characters distributed by difficulty of usage. Characters like Ryu, Ken, Luke, Lily, Dee Jay, and Juri are considered easy to play, while Jamie, Cammy, Blanka, Rashid, and A. K. I. are hard. Dhalsim was placed at the very bottom of the list as the hardest character to play. Funny though, E. Honda was honored with a category of his own called "Elmer's glue tastes nice", which has something to do with E. Honda's Sumo Headbutt and Sumo Slam spam, while both of this special moves are safe on block. 

Check the full video by Broski down below to hear his full opinion on Street Fighter 6 characters difficulty.

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