Steve Will Only Be Allowed in The First Coinbox of Each Month

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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Steve Will Only Be Allowed in the First Coinbox of Each Month
Could this finally be the end of the Steve banned saga? has balance been struck?

HungryBox, one of the most well-known Smash players in the world and co-owner of Team Liquid, has come down with what might perhaps be the final say on the Minecraft Steve ban debate. The Coinbox Super Smash Ultimate Premier, an online tournament series, has gone back and forth a couple of times on whether or not to ban Steve. But now, in 2024, what seems to be the final decision has been reached. The character will only be allowed during the first event of every month.

Although it's hard to say if this will be the final change to the status of the character, it should at least provide some stability to the event and some opportunities both for Steve and Non-Steve players to shine through the competition.

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