Steam Reached New Simultaneous Users Record

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Steam Reached New Simultaneous Users Record
Over 36 million gamers, all over the world.

Gaming is growing year after year with no signs of stopping, and it's truly mind-blowing how many people are indulging in this hobby across the world at the same time. On PC, Steam is by far the most popular platform for buying and playing video games, although you probably know that already.

Now, how many people are actually using Steam at the same time? Just recently, that number reached 35 million, and barely over a week later and this record is beaten once again, reaching the peak of 36,354,393 simultaneous online users.

Keep in mind, this is simultaneous, not unique daily or monthly visitors, so you're likely looking at hundreds upon hundreds of millions of people when it comes to the actual totals, and that's just on one platform, and only on PC. Imagine how much this number would grow if we could include every console player, and if you're generous, everyone who plays on mobile.

I think it's interesting to look at this from the perspective of not just fighting game players, but from the perspective of anyone who enjoys games and genres that can't be called mainstream. With more customers comes more demand, and while the majority of them are only there for big AAA releases, the number of niche enjoyers is growing as well.

Who knows, perhaps as years go by, even the most neglected fighting games would be able to enjoy a 4-digit player count on a stable basis.

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