Samurai Shodown Rollback Is Now on All Platforms (Almost)

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Samurai Shodown Rollback Is Now on All Platforms (Almost)
Only took half a year!

Over four years after Samurai Shodown's illustrious release on consoles, arcades, and Stadia, the game received an update that added rollback netcode, but with a caveat – only on Steam.

After a fairly buggy beta, the rollback update was released in December of last year, and now, in May 2024, it's coming to PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, and the Epic Games Store.

If you're playing Samsho on Xbox One, unfortunately, you're out of luck. The platform is not listed in the announcement, and there's no official statement as to when or if it will be coming, even though it was present in their original announcement.

However, it still could come later down the line. The different hardware and network systems are bound to introduce unforeseen challenges when it comes to rollback implementation.

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