Preecha Details For Fatal Fury: City Of Wolves Announced

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Preecha Details For Fatal Fury: City Of Wolves Announced
A bit more information is shared about Fatal Fury's newest fighter

When Fatal Fury: City Of The Wolves was announced back in March, there was a lot of excitement due to the fact that a new Fatal Fury game was coming out after so many years. Also, there was a lot of hype surrounding the latest character in the game, Preecha, who was making her debut in the franchise. 

Little is known about Preecha, but her interesting design immediately led fans to resonate with her and express excitement for her imminent release.

SNK have now released a few more details about the character. We know she is a student of Joe Higashi from The King Of Fighters and practices some Muay Thai. She is also a scientist who is interested in studying Ki and fights for this purpose rather than any other reason like the joy of the fight or something. 

Fatal Fury: City Of The Wolves is slated to come out next year. 

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