Players from Pakistan might Not Attend TWT Finals

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Players from Pakistan might Not Attend TWT Finals
The difficulties of getting a visa could prevent some of the best Tekken players from attending TWT

If you've been following the competitive Tekken scene, you are probably well aware of both how strong and passionate the Pakistan Tekken scene is. With so many talented and dedicated players who consistently achieve high placements, people have started to note that for them, it's more challenging to get a visa than it is to win a Tekken tournament.

Unfortunately, even after gaining global recognition and securing big sponsors, this continues to be a massive problem for the Pakistan scene, which is especially bad right now, with Tekken World Tour Finals right around the corner.

Arslan Ash recently posted a tweet outlining these issues and suggesting a more neutral venue.

Many people have immediately suggested issuing a Schengen visa from another country, which would allow the players from Pakistan to also visit Amsterdam. While this might be the solution, Arslan also pointed out some of the issues that still exist with this method.

Needless to say, this whole situation has been a major source of frustration for the Pakistan FGC and Tekken fans worldwide, who wish to see the best of the best come together for the grand finale of the world tour.

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