Picking a Main in Street Fighter 6

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Picking a Main in Street Fighter 6
The topic of picking a main in Street Fighter 6 might give a lot of people a headache, so we pointed out some tips to consider when making a decision

Street Fighter 6 comes out on the 2nd of June, 2023, and for many, they are as ready as ready can be. But how about you? Are you ready for the game? Do you have a character you already want to use?

In this video, we look at some of the things you should consider when picking a main in Street Fighter 6. There are 18 characters, all of whom look incredible and who look like they could do some damage. There is merit to picking anyone, and in the video, we talk about some of that. 

One of the biggest points is perhaps trying out the older Street Fighter games to see if you like earlier iterations of some of the characters available.

You can check out the video below. 

Choosing a main in Street Fighter 6

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