Pan Banned From Granblue Fantasy Versus Tournament

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Pan Banned From Granblue Fantasy Versus Tournament
BONK in heaven, you won't be forgotten

Sometimes, tragedy can strike out of nowhere, and the recent Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising news are a great example of that.

As many of you know, GBVSR has an option of using custom weapon skins for your characters, and those typically range from alternative designs to their main weapon, to something outrageous, like swinging a fish or in this case, a pan.

Pan even comes with a unique bonk sound when you smack someone around, and it even managed to cause a bit of a controversy because of that.

Hit confirming is a valuable skill in any fighting game, and one that takes a lot of effort to refine. Common methods of improving it typically revolve around looking out for visual or sound ques, something that you can focus on and react to.

You see where this is going, right? That bonk sound for the pan makes a fairly distinguishable sound on hit, but not on block. Because of this, some have considered the pan to be a bit of a "P2W" weapon skin.

We can't be sure about this being the main or actual reason for why it's banned at Combo Breaker, but it definitely seems likely.

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