There aren't many things more annnoying than being with a TOD combo and it can be frustrating as you watch your life bar drain till the end of the fight and realizing you've been unable to do anything at all about it.
Thankfully, there aren't many TODs in modern games as scaling is a thing that ensures that the fight never gets boring. That said, there are still some insanely long drawn out combos that can eat at your patience. Mortal Kombat 1 seems to have a few of those including this one that was showcased by renown MK player, Ninjakilla using Shang Tsung.
The combo was almost a minute long and feature Shang Tsung with Scorpion acting as his kameo. The combo heavily relied on Shang Tsung's fire move that acts as a dp and keeping the opponent juggled in the air. When the opponent looks to be coming down, Shang Tusng gets Scorpion to come in and start the process again.