New Trailer Shows The Full Power of Lidia

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New Trailer Shows The Full Power of Lidia
Polska gurom!

We've previously seen a short teaser that signaled Lidia's arrival to Tekken 8, but it obviously had absolutely zero information about her actual gameplay.

Now, with a full-fledged trailer showing off Lidia more thoroughly, it's obvious that she retains everything we knew her for, and if anything, she might just become a menace.

Many players lamented how difficult it was to properly utilize her stances in Tekken 7 despite stances being such a big part of her moveset. They seem to have addressed this in Tekken 8, with a plethora of new stance transitions, more threatening sabaki, and new moves that would demand a mashing opponent's respect.

Whether these changes will put her at or near the top of Tekken 8 food chain remains to be seen, but there's certainly a good chance for it.

Other than that, Lidia got a serious visual glow up. She already looked great in Tekken 7, but higher fidelity and an updated face model really does her justice. Lidia now sports a scar going vertically across her left eye, a detail that might get explained in the much anticipated story expansion.

Her costume got a much deserved updated as well. Lidia now wears a full on karate gi, albeit with a very elaborate red and white eagle design that just screams Poland. Her updated Rage Art is also delightfully Polish, accentuating the red and white even further, while a massive eagle (present on the Polish coat of arms) sweeps over Lidia.

But uhh... no release date!
Maybe later...

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