Mortal Kombat 1 Roster Leaks Online Through Reddit

Alex Samonov
1 min

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Mortal Kombat 1 Roster Leaks Online Through Reddit
Someone got their hands on MK1 copy early

Mortal Kombat 1 releases worldwide on September 19, with Premium Edition early access begins on September 14. However, a Reddit user u/rearisen got their hands on the Nintendo Switch release copy of the game earlier and leaked some pictures featuring full launch roster of Mortal Kombat 1, as well as kameo fighters.

The user also shared some thoughts regarding MK1 performance on Nintendo console:

  • The game goes back to its roots fighting wise. The lag and screen tearing is at its worst in the beginning and ending of cutscenes and before story fights.

    Yeah, the gameplay is good, just a bit pixelated resolution wise.

    Uploading the terrible switch footage later today. It’s going to either cause an outrage for $70 or just straight up flop on the switch.

It's probably too early to sound the alarm, since the game can still receive a day one patch which will fix the performance and other issues. For now we can only wait for a couple more weeks and see for ourselves.

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