MK1: Florida + Texas vs Tri State Area 12 v 12 Showdown at ECT

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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MK1: Florida + Texas vs Tri State Area 12 v 12 Showdown at ECT
The game is barely a month old and we already have grudge matches

If the fighting game community is known for anything, it is the individuality and the loyalty to home state. It is an appreciated feature of the community and one that sets it apart from many other gaming communities. Also, fighting games are a great way to handle grudges, and so, over the years, individuals, groups of people, and even states, have settled differences over a fighting game.

Mortal Kombat 1 with all its gore and brutality, is a perfect game to 'kill' the opposition, so this might go some way in explaining why we already have grudge matches for the game. Not long ago, there was one between Sikander and ImStillDaDaddy. Now the whole of Florida and Texas (who have a rivalry of their own) have teamed up to fight against the Tri State area (New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut) in Mortal Kombat 1. 

This was confirmed by Kitana Prime, one of the veterans of the Mortal Kombat scene, who tweeted at Splash, another veteran of the scene and offered the battle. 

Things kicked off when Kitana Prime responded to a tweet that Splash had posted back in August where he said that New York would defeat both Florida and Texas and that no region could come at them since they were such strong fighters. Even when it was pointed out to Splash that SonicFox no longer lives in New York, he doubled down stating that they didn't even need SonicFox. 

And so, we have a grudge match between the two teams which will go down at East Coast Throwdown on the 21st of October 2023. 

The winners will have street cred and will be able to call themselves one of the best communities within the United States.

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