Lost Kingdom: Cornucopia. Brawlhalla 2v2

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Lost Kingdom: Cornucopia. Brawlhalla 2v2
Pic Source: Lost Kingdom
It’s a pretty big event, with 266 attendees

The weekend of November 25-26 treated us to a few exciting Brawlhalla esports events. We could witness matches at Battle Coliseum 2023 — with the strongest South American players (including the World Champion) and a prominent European guest, Godly.

In North America East, there was a team tournament, Lost Kingdom: Cornucopia. It’s one of the officially sponsored series, and quite a few strong competitors participated in it.

Brawlhalla 2v2 esports | Lost Kingdom: Cornucopia

Hideaway / Snowy fell to the Elimination brackets after a tough Winners Final against Ryze / Sole. But the team wasn’t eliminated. Hideaway and Snowy won the Losers Final and then reset the Grand Final with a clear 3:0.

The decisive match was again super close, but Hideaway / Snowy won this time.

Brawlhalla 2v2 at Lost Kingdom: Cornucopia | Results

  • 1. Hideaway / Snowy
  • 2. Ryze / Sole
  • 3. Sadly / Berserker
  • 4. megD / Raydish
  • 5. Noto / Snipes
  • 5. Seabass / hybridbh
  • 7. Jsuzi / tunapapoona
  • 7. hardymj / Guichabou

December is going to be filled with Brawlhalla community tournaments. The Lost Kingdom series has a 1v1 tournament, Glacial Gala on December 30

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