Skullgirls has announced that Combo Breaker attendees will be able to get an exclusive preview of the latest DLC character, Black Dahlia.
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Become a PatronSkullgirls has announced that Combo Breaker attendees will be able to get an exclusive preview of the latest DLC character, Black Dahlia.
Black Dahlia will be the 3rd character of the Season 1 Pass following the release of Annie and Umbrella. She is a high ranking member of the mafia and personal bodyguard of Lorenzo Medici, occasionally going out to complete the most challenging assignments from the family. Little is known about her outside of that, even her appearance is deliberately concealed by a mask.
Befitting an assassin, she has an extensive arsenal of hidden weapons and a versatile gun that can adapt to a variety of situations. Make sure to check out her gameplay on May 27th.
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