Last Chance to Enter the Red Bull Golden Letters NA Qualifiers

Elizbar Ramazashvili
1 min

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Last Chance to Enter the Red Bull Golden Letters NA Qualifiers
Qualifiers run from the 10th July

As per the Red Bull website:

The qualifiers will take place on the following dates:

  • North America (Online) - 10th July
  • Europe (Online) - 13th August
  • Red Bull Gaming Sphere Tokyo (Offline) - 17th August
  • Red Bull Gaming Sphere London (Offline) - 7th September

Registration for the two offline qualifiers will be live at a later date, stay tuned for more updates. The main event will be taking place in the Red Bull Gaming Sphere in London across two action-packed days, 28-29th September 2024. You can watch all the action live on Twitch and YouTube.

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