Justin Wong Gets Evo Moment 37'd... Again

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Justin Wong Gets Evo Moment 37'd... Again
He can't seem to escape his fate

Multiple Evo Winning FGC legend, Justin Wong, has suffered at the hand of the Daigo parry once again. 

Justin who has won Evo titles across different games has gotten more into content creation recently and has been promoting and participating in the Gamers For Giving charity event. While streaming at the event, he played some Street Fighter III: Third Strike where he came up against a Ken player who recreated the infamous Evo moment 37 against Justin Wong. 

While Justin is a verifiable legend and one of the best fighting game players to exist, he is perhaps even more famous for being on the receiving end of the Daigo parry with several players constantly trying it against him. It happens so often, it has become something of a meme which Justin has also leaned into and is a great sport about it. 

In this instance, however, the person pulling off the Daigo parry seemed to miss one of the parry inputs which gave Justin the win, but, the game, which was being played on rollback netcode, retconned the moment and instead, the Ken player completed the parry and got the win. 

Justin posted a hilarious short video of the incident which got the FGC reacting to what happened with some claiming that some divine being has ordained that Justin must continually suffer the Daigo parry. 

The Gamers for Giving event ran from the 5th to the 7th of April 2024 and was able to raise $1,177,456 which was above the $1,000,000 goal initially set. 

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