Recently we've seen some news regarding the Street Fighter 6 balance changes. The Ed build at Capcom Cup has revealed a few changes, although some of them turned out to be false, or at least not entirely accurate, as Jabhim points out in his tweet.
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Become a PatronRecently we've seen some news regarding the Street Fighter 6 balance changes. The Ed build at Capcom Cup has revealed a few changes, although some of them turned out to be false, or at least not entirely accurate, as Jabhim points out in his tweet.
However, we might get a better understanding of what to expect this Friday, as IGN is set to show off new exclusive gameplay and new information from the developers.
Many Street Fighter fans were disappointed by the lack of news at the Capcom Cup, but perhaps this is the reason why. It's still best to go in with reserved expectations, but we're nonetheless excited to see what developers want to show off.
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