Femi Famutimi
2 min

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It's going to be a 3v3

The upcoming HunterxHunter: NenxImpact game has had its first look and it is promising. 

The Japanese gaming website, Goziline, put out an in-depth article where they were able to test a trial version of the game with the characters available and all the mechanics the game has to offer. 

According to the article, the game will feature 16 characters at launch and has only 6 characters in the demo version. As a 3v3 game, this doesn't give many options on who to pick. 

HunterxHunter: NenxImpact will also feature simplified controls, but unlike Street Fighter 6, this is not simply an alternative to the traditional buttons, but this is how the game will be from the get go. 

You can read the full article here

The game is developed by Eighting, the same team responsible for Bloody Roar and Marvel v Capcom 3. It will be published by Bushiroad Games and will have a demo version available to play at Evo Japan 2024. 

The game has already received an endorsement from Justin Wong who said he played it for two hours and wished he could play for 10 more. He promised that fans of MvC2, Skullgirls, and Blazblue would absolutely love the game. 

Cyclops Athlete Gaming Osaka also tried out the game with captain, Go1, Eita, and Fenrich even releasing a video of them trying out the game which is available on YouTube. According to Eita, he said he loves the speed of the game while Fenrich commented on the Aura Arts (super arts) of the characters and how easy it is. 

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