The highly anticipated fighting game Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising ran into a delay with its open beta test on Steam but will be making up for it with a robust crossplay open beta coming soon before its full launch on December 14, 2023.
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Become a PatronThe highly anticipated fighting game Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising ran into a delay with its open beta test on Steam but will be making up for it with a robust crossplay open beta coming soon before its full launch on December 14, 2023.
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is the latest Arc System Works and Cygames' 2D fantasy fighting game series entry. The sequel was originally slated to have a second open beta available for download this week on Steam. However, unforeseen technical circumstances forced the publishers to postpone the early access period.
In an apology statement, the companies did not specify the issues but said they are working diligently to resolve them and provide the Steam open beta as soon as possible. This initial hiccup has not deterred plans for a wider platform crossplay beta test.
As announced, Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising will enable cross-platform multiplayer in its upcoming open beta, allowing PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Steam users to battle online against each other. This beta will test crossplay connectivity in modes like Casual and Lobby Matches, Training, and the frantic 30-player brawling minigame Grand Bruise Legends.
Integrating crossplay early in development will help optimize netcode and matchmaking for smooth cross-platform fights at launch. The open beta also gives the fighting game community valuable hands-on time to develop skills and strategies against a diverse pool of opponents before tournaments kick-off.
Despite the setback of the postponed Steam early access beta, the companies insist they remain committed to delivering epic cross-platform battles for franchise fans when Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising launches on December 14 this year. The addition of crossplay unlocks new competitive potential, letting the community come together against worthy foes on all platforms.
Players eager to experience the crossover clash are encouraged to follow official Granblue Versus channels for updates on the open beta testing. While the wait continues for the initial technical issues to be resolved, the upcoming crossplay beta promises to compensate for lost time when fantasy fighting fans can soon battle online across consoles and PCs.
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