Earlier this week, a battle bug was found in Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising. Soon after, the game's official account made note of it and announced a patch would be coming out soon, how soon? Less than 72 hours soon.
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Become a PatronEarlier this week, a battle bug was found in Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising. Soon after, the game's official account made note of it and announced a patch would be coming out soon, how soon? Less than 72 hours soon.
The quick turnaround for patch 1.32 also includes some other fixes to the game. Players were unable to pick up items from the gift crate if it contained an item already owned and needed an adjustment to Metera's color. The patch officially drops on April 19th at 2 am PDT (5 am EDT | 11 CEST), with a maintenance period of about an hour.
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