Gamers8 Winner Kakeru Reveals Where He Thinks Ken Is In The Meta

Femi Famutimi
1 min

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Gamers8 Winner Kakeru Reveals Where He Thinks Ken Is In The Meta
Phenom continued with his interviews and this time got Kakeru to reveal where he thought Ken is in the game

Phenom's time in Japan is coming to a close, but he has released yet another video in which he asks a top Japanese player who they think are the top five characters in Street Fighter 6. He has carried on this social experiment to prove that Ken is not a top five character. 

Interestingly, many Japanese players agree with this assertion including Daigo, Shuto, Moke, and Ryusei. Tokido and Pugera were some of the players that placed Ken within the top five.

When asked, Kakeru listed who he thought were the characters at the top:

  • 1. JP
  • 2. Luke
  • 3. Cammy
  • 4. Chun li
  • 5. Dee Jay

When asked where he thought Ken was, he said he would place Ken between 5th and 7th and in his opinion those three slots were occupied by Ken, Guile and Dee Jay. 

Phenom followed up that tweet with a message saying that this is the last of the series until Capcom Cup where he would ask people for their best players in the game. What does seem clear at the moment is that Japan does not seem to view Ken as strongly as the West where he is considered top 3 alongside JP and Luke. Ken does have the second highest representation at Capcom Cup with 7 Kens making it so far. 

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