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Esports World Cup Influence on the FGC

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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Esports World Cup Influence on the FGC
Is the Middle East investment a threat to FGC's grassroots' approach to collectives community initiatives? or a step into professionalisim?

With great money comes great responsibility. In 2024, the fighting games community might have a totally unexpected test of big money and possibilities coming from the outside world, and specifically from the Middle East. In this video, we will talk about opportunities and threats that the Esports World Cup will bring to us.

The FGC had an excellent year, and 2024 is looking even more promising. We're eagerly waiting for the Tekken 8 release, optimistically looking into further development of Street Fighter 6 and Mortal Kombat 1, and lots of other titles are doing great stuff. However, you can't be isolated from the world, especially when it comes to traditional esports.

FGC is doing great to save its principles despite the outside influence, and to develop organically while working hard. But big money also leads to big temptations, and a great concern arises. What if bad actors flood the FGC after a successful and fruitful couple of years? Will it be resistant enough to the dark side of the hype?

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