Double Dragon Revive Devs Dive Deeper Into Its Legacy In New Dev Diary

Sebastian Quintanilla
1 min

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Double Dragon Revive Devs Dive Deeper Into Its Legacy In New Dev Diary
Images courtesy of Double Dragon Revive
An introspective look at the reboot of the franchise

Double Dragon Revive, the new entry and a bit of a revival for the series, was officially announced mid-way through last year with only some small bits of information following its announcement trailer. Now, its developers will be starting a Dev diary series, going over the series legacy and how they are adapting it to modern systems.

The first installment of the blog is out now, detailing the series' background and explaining several decisions in its move from 2D to 3D brawling.

Double Dragon Revive is set to release later this year on October 23rd, with a new developer diary coming each month until release.

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