DNF Duel Shows Off New Character - Troubleshooter

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DNF Duel Shows Off New Character - Troubleshooter
Another stylish fighter joins DNF Duel's unique cast

With the upcoming release on June 28th, DNF Duel is once again ramping up the release of character trailers. Last week we got a glimpse of Launcher and today we got a look at Troubleshooter. This character will no doubt look familiar to the fans of classic action movies, drawing inspiration from the iconic guitar case-wielding outlaw in El Mariachi and Desperado.

Unlike other gun-wielding fighters, Troubleshooter has a bigger emphasis on close to mid-range combat, using a fluid combination of his sawed-off shotgun, a massive sword, and a variety of explosives. 

Keep an eye out for more character trailers in the upcoming weeks!

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