DNF Duel Shows Off a Bit of Gameplay for Enchantress and Swift Master

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DNF Duel Shows Off a Bit of Gameplay for Enchantress and Swift Master
Two of the most recent character showcase a big variety in gameplay and style

We're only two weeks away from DNF Duel's release, and developers keep showing off characters to make the wait more entertaining. The two most recent characters that were shown off are Swift Master and Enchantress. With fifteen characters now having their own trailers, we're getting really close to seeing the entire roster.

First up is Swift Master, the powerful mage who can control the wind. Using this ability, they can utilize the element for various mid-range attacks or create an intense vacuum that will trap opponents, making them easy prey. 

Enchantress, on the other hand, takes her power from a much more sinister source. This master of the occult witchcraft will whack you with her broom if she has to, but her real power lies in the control of puppets who can do a wide range of moves, from up close strikes to a long-range flamethrower.

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